Sarawak > Miri & Northeast Region (Gallery 1)

copyright_ian2001   Close up of the Nipah Palm Leaf. The Nipah Palm Trees grow in abundance in the mangrove swamps of Similajau National Park, some 30 minutes away from Bintulu.
copyright_ian2001   A view of the Viewing Point, located on a beach cove at Similajau National Park. Getting to this point involved a short trek through the forests.
copyright_ian2001   Entrance of the Great Cave at Niah National Park. The Niah Caves are significant because archeology findings produced the skull of a pre-historic man thought to be 25,000 years old. The caves are also important for its birds nest. At dusk, the sight of the incoming (returning) swiflets and the outgoing bats is really something.
copyright_ian2001   Some colourful fungi taken at the Niah National Park taken while trekking to Bukit Kasut.
copyright_ian2001   Not sure about the name of these leaves but they sure make a pretty picture. Taken at Mulu National Park.
copyright_ian2001   Red amongst the greens. Taken at the Mulu National Park.
copyright_ian2001   Caution! Snail crossing.....Mulu National Park
    Sibu & Central Region Miri & Northeast Region Gallery 2

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