THE STAR Monday, December 4, 2000
Millennium Markers
What held
Sarawak back?
What sort of a mark did the White Rajahs' rule
leave on Sarawak? In this week's Millennium
Marker, OOI KEAT GIN looks at the
combination of place, circumstance and tradition
that kept Sarawak a backwater for so long.
ACCOUNTS of the fabulous rich soil and great
mineral wealth of the island of Borneo were
generally believed by Europeans in the 19th
century. Such myths were reinforced by works such
as John Hunt's On the Great and Rich Island of
Borneo and A Sketch of Borneo or Pulau

James Brooke, Sarawak's first White
Rajah, tried to present his fiefdom as a
land of natural and mineral riches - but
the reality was very different. - Picture
from `Rajah Brooke's Borneo', compiled by
D.J.M. Tate (John Nicholson Ltd, 1988) |
James Brooke, who became the state's first
White Rajah after he was granted the fiefdom of
Sarawak by the sultan of Brunei in 1841,
perpetuated this belief. He claimed that:
"the soil and productions ... are of the
richest description, and it is not too much to
say ... there are not to be found the same
mineral and vegetable riches in any land in the
However, Italian botanist Odoardo Beccari, who
spent a research sojourn in Sarawak during the
1860s, shattered the myth. "In Borneo,'' he
pointed out, "fertility is in a very great
measure due to the humus accumulated in the
forests, and when this is used up, or carried
away by rain or floods, the soil which is left
could scarcely be productive.''
Likewise, there was no denying the existence
of minerals in Sarawak but the sober reality,
according to geologist Theodor Posewitz who
undertook a survey in the early 1890s, was that,
"although useful minerals were widely
distributed, they existed only too often in
quantities that would not pay working''.
For instance, in the area around upper Sungai
Bau, gold, antimony and quicksilver were
commercially exploited but with moderate returns
only. And while the 1910 petroleum strike at Miri
began hopefully, production diminished in less
than two decades and prospects of new oilfields
were slim.
Poor soils aside, Sarawak during the Brooke
period was a land unfriendly to large-scale
commercial agriculture. The coastal alluvial
plain was covered with swampy mangrove forest
while mountains dominated the interior of the
More than three-quarters of the state was
under thick, impenetrable rainforest. A myriad
rivers and streams dissected the entire state.
Agriculture was generally suited only to small
farms. The various indigenous communities
practised "slash and burn'' subsistance
agriculture that produced only hill rice and
other food crops.
Moreover, the rugged terrain and the numerous
rivers posed formidable obstacles to the
development of land transportation: roads were
limited to urban centres (Kuching, Sibu, Miri)
and an 8km railway southwards from Kuching.
Rivers had long been the sole artery for
transport and communication. River travel assumed
significance as coastal shipping was severely
retarded by the scarcity of deep, sheltered
harbours despite the 720km-long coastline; also,
seas were choppy during the landas or
rainy season of the north-east monsoon from
October to February. Yet river travel was
problematic, even deadly, because of rapids,
tidal bores, sand bars, shifting channels,
shallow sections, and a complicated tidal
Terra incognita and bad publicity
Separated by some 700km of the South China Sea
from Singapore and the international trade route
of the Straits of Malacca, Sarawak was an unknown
entity, a terra incognita.
Furthermore, Brooke's anti-piracy campaign in
the 1840s--which sparked a series of debates in
Britain's House of Commons and a Commission of
Inquiry in Singapore in 1854--presented Sarawak
as a land of marauding pirates and bloodthirsty
headhunters. Thanks to the news of the Hakka gold
miners' assault on Kuching in February 1857, and
of their defeat and subsequent slaughter,
Sarawak's image suffered further damage. Such bad
publicity put off would-be investors.

Government House (above) where the White
Rajahs ruled and a view of Fort Kuching.
Tales of an attack by miners on Kuching
kept investors away. - Pictures from
`Rajah Brooke's Borneo', compiled by
D.J.M. Tate (John Nicholson Ltd, 1988) |
A chronic shortage of labour in mining and
commercial agriculture did not help matters. The
heavy reliance on imported Chinese workers and
the high cost of such labour for commercial
agriculture (gambier, pepper) and mining (gold,
coal, oil) restrained the pace of economic
Ignorance of Sarawak offered fertile ground
for the breeding of wild rumours about the state
being a place of headhunting tribes, ferocious
animals, and thick, impenetrable, frightening
jungles. The massacre and harvest of Chinese
heads by Brooke-sanctioned Ibans during the 1857
incident did untold damage to Sarawak's image in
the eyes of the Chinese.
So, despite the tireless efforts of
Brooke--and, later, of his successors--in
promoting Chinese immigration, the Chinese were
reluctant to come. A cost of living that was high
compared with neighbouring territories was
another disadvantage.
Yet another obstacle to development was
Sarawak's remote location off the main trade and
shipping routes had nothing to offer--especially
in comparison to the British Straits Settlements
on peninsular Malaya that boasted the free port
giants of Singapore and Penang.
Roads and railways connected these two ports
to the Malay states in the peninsula's rich
hinterland from which raw materials such as tin
and rubber were sourced. Hence, British Malaya
was a haven for traders, investors and
Role of the Brooke tradition
Notwithstanding becoming a British
Protectorate in 1888, Sarawak's negative image
persisted. The policies and idiosyncrasies of
Brooke's successors, Charles (who ruled from 1868
to 1917) and Vyner (1917 to 1941--when the
Japanese took over--and for a year in 1946),
further worsened Sarawak's image.
Charles's distaste for socialising made him a
maverick in political and business circles; this,
coupled with his pro-native policies, estranged
him from London and Singapore. Vyner was
particularly shy and withdrawn and his commitment
to traditional Brooke policy served little in
improving Sarawak's unfavourable image.
Initiated by James Brooke, the policies of the
Brooke Rajahs emphasised protecting the interests
and rights of the indigenous peoples and the
promotion of their well-being. In upholding
native interests, the traditional way of life was
to be preserved as far as possible. If change was
deemed desirable, it was to be introduced
gradually to allow the indigenous peoples to
adapt and adopt at their own pace.
These policies became enshrined as the
"Brooke tradition''. Both Charles and Vyner
were steadfast to its tenets.
Charles was contemptuous of Western
capitalists and speculators and afraid they would
oppress and exploit indigenous peoples for
profit. His land legislation favoured lease over
alienation, the refusal to grant large land
concessions, and even the banning of the purchase
of rubber holdings by "European or Europeans
or any individual, firm, or Company of white
nationality''. Consequently, Charles appeared as
an insufferable despot, anti-capitalist and
anti-European; his Sarawak, apparently, was
off-limits to Western investors.
Vyner was roundly criticised for his gradual
and cautious approach to developing Sarawak's
economy during the boom years the world
experienced in the 1920s. He, too, blocked the
inflow of Western investment to prevent the
widespread exploitation of the native peoples.
Ironically, his policy of favouring family-owned
and managed smallholdings over large estates
proved to be a wise measure as Sarawak recovered
rapidly from the Depression of 1929-1931.
But Sarawak's situation still could not
compare with that of neighbouring British North
Borneo, as Sabah was known then. Although its
administration professed to protect native
interests like the Brooke Rajahs, it never shied
from inviting Western capitalist investment in
developing its economy. European tobacco planters
were greatly encouraged with large land
concessions. By 1941, half of the rubber acreage
in British North Borneo was in large
European-owned estates; comparatively Sarawak has
less than 5%.
Although not better off than Sarawak in terms
of physical and natural resources, British North
Borneo enjoyed a more rapid pace of economic
development. To use an analogy, of two equally
unattractive people, British North Borneo was
better at presenting what few assets she
possessed. Furthermore, British North Borneo
maintained "an informal and intimate
relationship'' with the British Government's
Colonial Office in London and close ties with
British authorities in the peninsular Malay
states even recruiting governors and officers
from the prestigious Malayan Civil Service.
While Sarawak's physical and geographical
disadvantages undoubtedly were the main reasons
the state had such a hard time developing, the
Brookes also had a role in making Sarawak a
backwater. Such was the legacy of the White
Ooi Keat Gin is author of Of Free
Trade and Native Interests: The Brookes and the
Economic Development of Sarawak, 1841-1941 (Oxford
University Press, 1997), and World
Beyond the Rivers: Education in Sarawak From
Brooke Rule to Colonial Office Administration,
1841-1963 (Department for South-East
Asian Studies, University of Hull, 1996). He is a
lecturer in Universiti Sains Malaysia's School of
Humanities and a Fellow of the Royal Historical
Society of Britain.