The photos in this gallery were mostly taken in Xiahe, a provincial town that is characteristically Tibetan. Xiahe boasts the Labrang Monastery, an important Tibetan Buddhist Pilgrimage site and the largest monastery out of Tibet. The pilgrims circumambulate along the perimeter of the monastery which is approximately 3 km long and lined with prayer wheels.

copyright_ian2001   Tibetan nomads taken enroute to Xiahe
copyright_ian2001   Labrang Monastery, Xiahe
copyright_ian2001   Golden stupa at Labrang Monastery, Xiahe
copyright_ian2001   Labrang Monastery surroundings
copyright_ian2001   Possibly tombstones of departed senior monks of the Labrang Monastery
  Typical rooftop mural at the Labrang Monastery. (Picture by Shaw Wei)
copyright_ian2001   Prayer wheels line the perimeter of the monastery. As I understand it, spinning the prayer wheels is the symbolic equivalent to chanting and this allows the illiterate Tibetans an avenue to participate in the teachings of the Dharma.
copyright_ian2001   An elderly lady leading her grandson in the pilgrim route at Labrang Monastery.
copyright_ian2001   ....and a small boy doing his business outside the compound of the monastery.
copyright_ian2001   I'm particulary proud of this photo as it was my first (and only) win in a Photo Contest (National Geographic/Premiere 12 Singapore - 1995). Also taken at Labarng Monastery.
  Horse-riding at Sangke Grassland.
    Silk Road Index Page Xinjiang Gallery 1a


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